Why APMP Certification?

The Certification brings many benefits for proposal managers as well as for companies and organisations.

For Individuals

Career Progress

Individuals will become more valuable to employers because an APMP certification:

  • Proves ability as a proposal manager

  • Proves impact as a proposal manager

  • Provides a "mark of quality"

  • Identifies Proposal Managers for recruitment, promotion and succession planning

Stand Out From the Crowd

Not everyone has what it takes to achieve an APMP certification — achieving this differentiates you from other proposal managers:

  • APMP certified proposal managers are still a small percentage of the proposal management population

  • Those achieving APMP certification have a current, proven and independently assessed record of proposal management
  • No other scheme offers such tangible proof of impact

Gain Professional Respect and Credibility

APMP certified proposal managers have equal standing with professionals in other professions.

  • Demonstrate their commitment to reviewing and improving their skills and performance

  • Move internally throughout organisations, and externally throughout industries, with recognised skills and credentials

For Companies and Organisations

APMP certification assesses the tangible impact made by individual proposal managers. Organisations can directly benefit from their employees being certified by APMP, as the Certification Program has been designed to ensure that it:

Encourages Retention of Staff

  • 40% of employees value career development opportunities when assessing new employers.

  • 55% of employees see the ability to develop everyone’s potential as something which a ‘responsible’ organisation would be particularly good at

  • 81% of employees agree that responsible organisations are more likely to be creative and innovative.

Supports Competency-Based Recruitment and Promotion of Staff

HR Professionals can use the APMP to help them:

  • Externally – with attraction and recruitment
  • Internally – with development of key individuals
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